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Achieving More

No Student Contribution

You’ve worked hard to get the high-paying internship you deserve and Cornell suddenly wants their “cut” as a student contribution. It’s your money and I believe you should get to keep more of it. Eliminating the student contribution is how we will get there.

Increased Transportation Options

Growing up in New York City, I was used to the excellent public transportation options. At Cornell, the public transportation options are far less substantial. Although the TCAT does a reasonable job, access to free, quality mass transportation is almost non-existent after freshman year. As your representative, I supported the creation of a Cornell-based solution and will continue to advocate for free mass transportation, especially on weekends and late nights.

Making OH Less Stressful

As a Computer Science major, I regularly experience office hours that were filled to the point where we have to sit in the hallways, feeling overwhelmed and helpless at times. In fact, the main reason I became a TA for CS 3410 was to help CS students (especially URM students) with transitioning to upper-level CS courses. As your representative, I will reach out to the various academic departments within the college to make sure there is an adequate number of course staff (TAs/consultants) to support the needs of all students.

Improved Dining Options During Finals

If were going to have finals on the weekends, we shouldn’t have to go hungry while taking them. Last year, I had a final on a Sunday morning and I had to eat was Doritos from the vending machine to fill me up that day. This is an unacceptable oversight by both Cornell Dining and the Registrar as it forces students to buy food the night before. I will work with the dining committee to start breakfast at 7am on the weekends during finals so no student goes to a 9am exam hungry.

©2020 Osai Egharevba


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